Hope for Crohn's® fundraising events benefit organizations that are on the leading edge of Crohn's research to help the 780,000 people in the United States that are affected by Crohn's disease.
Hope For Crohn's will offer research grants to researchers benefiting Crohn's disease in the areas of:
Basic Clinical Research
Population Specific Research
Genetic Research
Nutritional Prevention
These research grants will be approved and awarded by Hope For Crohn's board of directors. These grants will be funded upon the execution of grant agreements by Hope For Crohn's and the grantee institutions.
Hope for Crohn's will also donate funds for ongoing research efforts benefiting Crohn's disease by institutions selected by Hope For Crohn's Board of Directors:
501(c)(3) Charitable Fundraising Organization

The faculty of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition is dedicated to providing excellent clinical care in the context of a training and research institution. UCSF integrate state of the art medical care and innovative treatment regimens. In collaboration with researchers in the Pediatric Clinical Research Center (PCRC), Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program, the UCSF Transplant Program, and other UCSF basic science and clinical departments, major efforts involve investigating the genetic basis of pediatric disease, collecting and analyzing clinical outcome data of patients, and developing innovative clinical interventions and ways of monitoring disease response, all to improve the lives of our children.
The Klein Lab UCSF Medical Center:The lab focuses on two main areas. The first is to understand how adult stem cells develop and how they contribute to organ renewal. The maintenance, repair and growth of many adult organs, such as the bone marrow, skin, brain, and gastrointestinal tract, depend on tissue-specific populations of stem cells.
Pediatric research is thriving and expanding in Atlanta through a unique, multi-institutional initiative. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University School of Medicine have formed a close partnership that combines the clinical strengths of the nation’s largest pediatric healthcare provider (Children’s) and the research strengths of a leading academic medical center (Emory University
Emory University School of Medicine , Department of Genetics is conducting research on Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is estimated to affect approximately 1.2 million Americans. IBD is a destructive, life-long, chronic inflammatory disorder which results in gastrointestinal bleeding, weight loss and poor quality of life. IBD affects all races and onset of the disease is usually in children and young adults. Familial, twin and linkage studies suggest that CD is highly heritable...
"Can it really be possible to transform a person’s own cells into a weapon against various forms of disease? And what if those very cells could be retrained to attack cancer cells or to prevent autoimmune diseases?
Answers to these questions and many more are about to soon be realized, as Emory University Hospital will serve as the launch site for the very appropriately-named EPIC (Emory Personalized Immunotherapy Center)."
The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America is a leading supporter and funder of medical research in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis—collectively known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
CCFA provides research training awards to emerging researchers to help ensure their continued work in the field of IBD throughout their careers. CCFA provides a co-ed residential camps for patients to come to a safe and supportive camp community.
Seattle Children's Research Hospital
Dr. Betty Zheng: Zheng Laboratory at Seattle Children's Research Center
"The Zheng Lab is dedicated towards understanding the pathways of disease in pediatric gastrointestinal autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). ">>>Learn more